December 1, 2009

Wisdom is a person, purity preceds blessing

05/13'08, @5min, EJP) These are the words of the great King Salomon. Probably the greatest earthly king who has ever lived. Had more wealth, political power, personal wisdom than any kings we know of today. His storehouses of gold () our wildest dreams. He had 603 () and six tons of gold in one shot. He built this great temple, the first Hebrew temple in Jerusalem adorned with gold in-between the bricks and gold throughout the inside. It was a masterpiece of workmanship. So then, when Babylon came in and took it, and destroyed it, and melted all the gold, and took it all the way to Babylon, it was some treasure house that Nebuchadnezzar got. Well, the reason for Salomon's prosperity was because of his wisdom. And the reason he had his wisdom was because of his prayer to "The Lord". Now, what did he seek "The Lord" about? He didn't ask "The Lord" for wisdom, he didn't ask "The Lord" for riches, he didn't ask "The Lord" for fame. He ask "The Lord" for one thing, and that was an understanding heart. An understanding heart. And because he only asked for that, "The Lord" gave him everything else. () what we need today. We need an understanding heart about all matters, and we can have an understanding heart about all matters, if we continue to keep captivated through "The Word of God" – it is just that simple. He will give us an understanding on all topics, if we first seek his faith. And we will not be deceived with the lies of the Jesuits and the Vatican in control of our press and academia, if we keep our eyes on "The Word of God". So that's what "The Devil" wants you to do. He wants you to set aside "The Bible": 'oh, that's an irrelevant book, it can't be trusted, it's not trustworthy, oh, the Vatican corrupted it.' () lie after lie after lie to get you to believe that you have no final authority for a guideline in this world of 2008.
If you remember "The Devil" never tempted Christ with "The Word of God" first. He said, if you would be "The Christ", turn theses stones into bread, man, because it's written! So turn these stones into bread if you're "The Christ"! He tries to get him to depart from his submission to "The Tanakh". And what does "The Lord" do? He merely comes back: "It is written. Man should not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" (Luke 4:4). How can we live by every word that preceded out of the mouth of God, if God didn't preserve him?

I can remember in Bibel college, I had a great teacher, he handed us that damnable Bruce Metzger's third edition of this critical text and I saw all this "Critical Apparatus" and I said, Dr. Turner, I said, what is this down here? Well, he said, that's the critical apparatus, this is some alternative readings. I said, what do you mean "alternative readings"? Oh, he said, that's where there are maybe some differences in manuscripts and we put different manuscript evidence in there – we have, you know about 97% of "The Bible". I was literally flabbergasted. I thought to myself, if we don't have what God inspired, if he did not preserve what he gave, then I'm wasting my time here. [...] 'I had a beautiful show bike' "puffed up in my vain and fleshly mind" (Colossians 2:18)! And after God saved me, and he got me off that contraption and had me sell it, and after I got out of the Air Force to go to Bible college, I'm having this Greek teacher stand before me and tell me, I don't have any final authority? [...] And if there is any problem with any particular words we [...] clarify it, not correct it, but clarify it, as we delve into the underlying Masoretic Hebrew Text of the Old Testament and the underlying Greek Textus Receptus Byzantine Text of the New Testament. [...] And when that "Bible" impacted a community, when it impacted a nation, it changed! Do you realize that syphilis was everywhere throughout Europe during the Dark Ages? There was fornication everywhere among us wicked white people, and the priests were the biggest fornicators of them all. But when "The Word of God" hit Germany, and those Germans were getting saved, and they were knowing Christ in a personal way, and they had received [...] gave them the power to become "The Sons of God", when those German Saxons begot saved, things started changing. And Germany started to prosper, and it started to become a morale nation and ultimately had many many many political liberties and it became the seat of invention in Europe.

@14min) Some of our pagan white children just might one night read "The Bible"! But we can't have that, they have to be all pierced, and tattooed, and running around naked, and using the word "MF", and acting like savages, we can't have any white high culture anymore. So therefore we must take "The Bible" from these white people and with that they can never know their history as white Protestants and white Baptists. Why do you think the Christian school movement is going great gain busters here, primarily among white people? Because these whites, these Baptists and these Protestants, you white men have had enough of this Paganization of this wicked and sinful public school system that many of us were victims of. Including myself!
Verse seven: "To fear The Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction/discipline."
I think of myself when I read this verse years ago. I remember there was a pretty little Italian girl that used to sit in front of me in one of my classes and I liked her. And her name is Debby. And I remember Mr. Pranter in our anthropology class, that gawky little man said: 'Well, how many of you believe in Adam and Eve?' And Debby raised her hand and, I think, one other girl. You see, because there can't be any men that believe in Adam and Eve, right? Because men would be sissies if they believed in Adam and Eve. And they would be stupid! So I'm sitting in back of Debby and I had known her for years. And a couple of guys laughed at her and she said, she believed that in Adam and Eve – she was a Catholic girl. Most of the people I went to school were Catholic. Portuguese, and Italian, and Irish. And I said, what are you laughing at? And they said, hey Phelps, you don't believe it either. I said, I don't believe her but I don't laugh at her. And then Pranter said: 'Well, how many of you believe in evolution?' And most of the class raised their hands, including me. But you know what? I would never laugh at Debby because that was her right to believe that.
Today, if you believe in Adam and Eve in the public school, they all laugh at you to score: 'Why you got to be some stupid idiot?!' Because, you see, they have no fear of god. They don't believe they're gonna be judged some day. They believe that when they die, they are as dead as a dog. Just like my father said to me one time: 'Eric, when you are dead, you're as dead as a dog.' I said, oh really, do you know that for sure, dad?

Now, there will be a judgement some day, and it will either be at the "Bema Seat of Christ" for those of us in Christ or it will be Grammy night, where he will be handing out the awards for those who walked in the spirit of God or led by the spirit of God every now and then – hopefully I might have something there. Or it will be "The Great White Throne" judgement, where as a lost, unsaved man, being part of the dead, it will nearly be an inquest. And your works will be read off to you, every thing you ever did in your entire life. It's not a matter if you're guilty or innocent, you are guilty, guilty, guilty. And you're standing there before "The Lord Jesus Christ" and he sits on "The Great White Throne" and he's naming off all your deeds that you ever did, all the sins that you ever committed. And then, when he's finished, there will not be a word out of you except bowing the knee to confessing Jesus as Lord. And then he will say: 'Depart from me, you walk in equity, I never knew you in the everlasting fire, prepared for "The Devil and His Angels".' Yes, there is "An Everlasting Hell" according to "The Bible" and it's not a hell that Romanism preaches as a means for the priest to control you. This is a hell that we want to definitely miss out on. We don't want any part of it! Because it's forever and ever according to the book of the revelation. They are tormented forever and ever! It's a horrible, terrible scene, when all the dead are resurrected at the second resurrection. Heaven and earth flees away, they are in outer space, there is no place for them to go! It's a tragedy! It's terrifying! And then the Lord calls every name ...
Teddy Kennedy, step forward! (), you murdered that girl and you covered it up. Arlen Specter, step forward! You covered up the Kennedy Assassination. George J. Tenet, step forward! You covered up "9/11" when you brought it to pass. Edward Cardinal Egan, step forward! You caused "9/11". Pope John Paul II, Karol, step forward! You claimed to be me. You claimed to be the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords". You claimed to be the priest after the order of () of only I claimed that title.
I tell you, "The Great White Throne of Jugdement" is gonna be terrifying. And those of us who know "The Lord" will be on the other side with "The Lord", on his side, as he's doing this tremendous judging work that has to be done, because every man created in the image of God is entitled to an individual judgement by "The Lord Jesus Christ" himself! [...] And for those of us who know him he can appear at any moment – that's right, that's our bless and hope, that the glorious is appearing and of our great god and savior, "The Lord Jesus Christ". My hope is not the second coming, that's in stone! My hope is not that I'm gonna go to heaven when I die, that's set in stone! My bless and hope is maybe the Lord might come today. So maybe we were doing righteousness, that when he appears we may not be ashamed of this coming. That hope purifies us, causes us to more sanctification and personal holiness that we should live to maintain, and protect, and grow in. Rather to fear "The Lord" is the beginning of knowledge.

October 12, 2009

The bone of contention

Eric Jon Phelps on May 16, 2008)
Hopefully this broadcast will be equipping you, encouraging you, maybe even inspiring you to (deepen your) faith and trust in the Lord, that maybe without it's just discouraging you in not doing so. So, my prayer: that I would minister to you today, and that you would be the man that God has created you and want you to be, as you live in the power of the spirit of Christ.
Well, we have had some interesting developments over the past few days. One of those developments is that my opponent whom I have called a Jesuit temporal coadjutor, Alex Jones, has now entertained a pastor Smith on his program, that has been evidently telling the truth about the Jesuit Order. So, I would like to say this: if Alex Jones is serious about exposing the Jesuit Order, if he is going to make this a regular on his program, and if he will not neglect the exposure of the papacy and thus the Black Pope who is the overseer of all the secret societies and the master of the White Pope ... if he is serious about this, then I will have no more bone of contention with him. I will never say another negative word about him, I'll never call him a coadjutor if he is serious about going after the Jesuit Order.
And my only beef with anybody is this: either you give attention to the Jesuit Order – it doesn't have to be through me, but through yourself, through your own study, for whatever – you give attention to the Jesuit Order or I want to take issue with you. And I want to know why you're not gonna deal with them. I want to know why you're not gonna expose them. I want to know why you're not gonna go at the history of the Jesuit Order. I want to know why you're gonna blame the Queen of England when she is a slave of the Pope. I want to know why you're gonna blame the Bilderbergers when they were established by the Knights of Malta and Jesuits. I want to know why you're gonna blame the Jewish Rothschilds when they are nothing more that the keepers of the Vatican treasury. I want to know why you're not gonna deal with the Jesuit Order! And if you're not gonna deal with it, I'm gonna call you by name, so that everybody knows that you are a Jesuit temporal coadjutor.
But if you're serious to going to deal with the Jesuit Order, if you are going to begin to expose those rascals, those murderers, those wicked sinners, those Luciferians of the top ... if you are going to really expose them, then I give you my right hand of followship and I will do all what I can to help you, and if you choose not to associate with me even though you are exposing the Jesuit Order, then I say that's fine. I'm nothing, the topic is everything with regard to breaking their temporal power over our nation. And I will humbly stand back and you can do whatever you want to do and resist on your way, as long as you are seriously and honestly exposing them. So, Mr. Jones, if you are serious about exposing them: peace beyond to you. But if this, if this is damage control, I will be watching, many others will be watching. And if you cease to deal with them, and you do cease to stop making a connection between the Jesuits and the Knight of Malta, to this evil wicked conspiracy to destroy our national sovereignty and to bring us the New World Order government, I'm gonna be on you again. So, there is a fair warning to anybody else and also thank you for doing the same thing to me! If I'm going to deviate from exposing the Jesuit Order, if I'm going to start soft chewing them, if I'm going to say, 'well, they are really ... lots of them are okay,' if I start not dealing with them, then you need to expose me and call me to task! "As iron sharpeneth iron, so does man sharpen the countenance of his friend (Proverbs 27:17)." We are friends, we all sharpen us by correcting us if we are off point especially not going after the Jesuit Order. So, may that be helpful to all of us in our serious attempt to confront these men who want to kill us all.

@18min) I know the rejection that you are talking about. I'll give an example. I was always wondering how much from my personal things I should say on the radio, that it doesn't take away from my quest of informing the people historically and biblically ... sometimes maybe they candid the exposition of my past as good, and here is one of them. Last year I went to visit my father. My father is 84. He was a tailgunner in a B-17. He regards himself as one of the many American heros that saved America from Nazism and Fascism and so on, which we know is not true. And I have not really been that close to him over the years because he is not a believer, he doesn't read the Bible. Even though he was a very good father to me as far as keeping me out of trouble. I was afraid to do evil for fear what he would do to me. He was a police chief in Richmond, CA. He has connections there for at that time I gotten a car wrack – I really ended the lady 'cause I was not paying attention. And when I got home, I knew I had to tell my dad. First thing he said to me, 'well, what's the damages'?
So, the cops over in El Cerrito had called my dad who was the chief in Richmond and let him know that, you know, his son gotten a wrack. So, there was an intelligence apparatus around me as a young man that I was aware of. But he was good in that, he let me make my own mistakes, and let me make up my own mind, and have my own opinions about certain matters, until it came to the Bible. And when I was saved, when I was 17, almost 18 in 1971, and I started reading the Bible, and my life began to change somewhat – that was very bad news. And it was then, that he was really sort to – I would say – disassociate, because often times – as the police types are – they can become very condescending and pegging you. And so thus my father () was dying – he's on oxygen all the time – I was making an arrangement to bring my wife and the boys out to visit with him with the ConCon in () in Oregon. Then I thought I would do the Conspiracy Con and spend a few days with him and spend a few days with my mother in Reno and come back to Pennsylvania. And I received an email from his wife, my stepmother, that he said he would rather not see me.
I got to talk to my brother on the phone, and he said, yes, I was up to see dad, but he is not really in the condition to see you. And I said, oh really? So I gave him a call. And I asked him, I would like to come and see you after the ConCon in regard to stay a few days and he said, no, I don't think so. He said, I don't look good, I'm on oxygen, I don't think the boys ought to see me like this. Well, I think, they should. I think, death is a part of life. I think, children should be familiar with death. I think, they ought to watch their grand parents die, you know, and I think, this keeping children away from the realities of child birth and sickness and death is wrong. It's a dreamworld! And so I said, well, you know, I really want to see you, dad. I said, whether for a few days, you don't even have to see me. I said, I could just come and visit with you for a day and I can go on the coast and [...] visit you for a couple of hours [...] the next day [...] then he still said no.

And finally I got the message: he doesn't want to see me. Because the last time I saw him, I went [...] and saw this movie America: From Freedom To Fascism. There are many truthful things in that movie – also a couple of boo-boos, but generally it's very good – and I wanted him to see it. And after I showed it to him, he just ranted and raved and had a (). And his mother and father were Communists in the 1930s, they were card-carrying Communists. And so he said, I've been here in this conspiracy bias for years! And he said, that's not my kind of entertainment. And so, in me trying to give him some factual things from that movie – I think – finally put the dam for any desire for him wanting to be around me. So, settle down, sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.
So, part of this, part of exposing the Jesuit Order and part of learning these things, when you begin to repeat them, especially around the people that you love in your family that you grew up with and may have raised you, they are going to ouster size you, they're not gonna want to hear it. My mother is an Atheist. She tells me, I don't want to hear that crap, don't bring that Bible around me. And, you know, I still love my mother, I'm gonna honor my mother regardless what she thinks of me, or what she believes about what I believe. But whenever you are on the Lord's site and you're trying to be as faithful to his words and you're really wanting to look out for your community and your country from being overthrown and destroyed by the Vatican, you become an enemy in your own household. And that's exactly what the Lord Jesus meant when he said, I've not come to bring peace, I've come to bring a sword to divide a father againt his son, to divide a mother against her daughter, that it might be fulfilled a man's enemies of his own household. And it's very sorrowful, it's hard to deal with, but it's a price that we have to pay if we're gonna be truly sincere to the Lord while at the same time being kind and loving to those family members who reject us. So, I understand what you're are going through, brother, and I'm sure that many others who are listening have gone through the same thing. I just want to encourage you to continue to do what the Lord will have you to do.

September 28, 2009

Chiniquy, Crowley, McLoughlin, Rivera

The following pages are dedicated to all those who have suffered, directly or indirectly, from the designs of the Society of Jesus, surnamed by the great John Calvin as "The Jesuits". Therefore, the dedication extends to the entire population of the world, the White, Celtic-Anglo-Saxon, Protestants and Baptists of the Calvinist persuasion in particular. For it was the Calvinists who successfully resisted the conspiracies of the Jesuit Order – that military army of the Pope known as "The Company" – and gave to the world religious and political liberty. For these men wielded both "the Sword of the Spirit" – the Word of God – and "the Sword of Just Defense" – the gun. And it was these Baptist-Calvinists who secured for the American people the right to use "the Sword of the Spirit" with the First Amendment, and the right to use "the Sword of Just Defense" with the Second Amendment. May we never forget their great faith, purity and courage. This dedication is also extended to the Roman Catholic Pope Clement XIV, the Roman Catholic sovereigns, and the Roman Catholic peoples of Europe who fearlessly suppressed and expelled the Jesuit Order from their borders throughout the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.

Further, the author, as a White American Freeman and Dispensational, Fifth Monarchy, Seventh-Day Baptist-Calvinist, dedicates the following pages to the four greatest ex-Roman Catholic priests ever to grace the shores of his native land.
("It's good to have a key." Dennis Grover)

I. The first is Charles Chiniquy, a French Canadian and "the Martin Luther of America," who, although having been deceived into joining the Masonic Lodge after his conversion to Christ (believing Satan's Masonic Craft was the enemy of Satan's Jesuit Order), boldly exposed the Jesuits as the assassins of President Lincoln during the 1880s. He also warned, that if unchecked, the Jesuits would rule this country from the White House (Bill Clinton/George W. Bush) to every Governor's mansion (Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania, now the Order's Gestapo Chief of the National Homeland Security Agency including FEMA) in the Union – as they do this day!

II. The second is Jeremiah J. Crowley, an Irishman, who, at the turn of the Twentieth Century warned of the Jesuits' conspiracy to destroy the bulwark of America's popular liberties – the Public School System – furthering the quest of "making America dominantly Catholic". Authoring The Pope – Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue, Crowley also warned of the Jesuits' power in Washington, D.C. and their plan to use American political and military might to restore the Pope's Temporal Power in Rome and extend its influence around the world. This was accomplished during the Second Thirty Years' War (World War I and World War II 1914-1945) and the public schools were destroyed by Supreme Court decisions handed down by a Chief Justice who was an arch-conspirator in the Kennedy Assassination, Earl Warren.

III. The third is Emmett McLoughlin, another Irishman, who exposed the Roman hierarchy as responsible for the excessive crime among Roman Catholic peoples, in forbidding the public school system to teach about the Inquisition, and for carrying out the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

IV. The fourth is Alberto Rivera, an ex-Jesuit and Spaniard having left the Order after 27 years, who, although accused of questionable financial practices, exposed the Jesuits as the assassins of President Kennedy and warned in 1982 of Rome's plan to bring America into a treaty agreement with "the Sovereign State of Vatican City", called a Concordat. (Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy and Franco's Spain all had Concordats with the Pope, while those fascist dictators were anti-Protestant, anti-Jew and pro-Moslem!) The idea of Protestant America entering into a Concordat with Rome and thus also becoming anti-Jew and pro-Moslem, further enslaving us to the Papal Caesar, would be legally impossible had not President Ronald Reagan, America's greatest Masonic traitor and "conservative" pawn of New York Archbishop John Cardinal O'Connor, formally recognized the Sovereign State of Vatican City as a sovereign nation in 1984, fifty years after Great Britain had done the same in 1934. George Orwell, here we come!

Die folgenden Seiten sind all denen gewidmet, die unter den Gesellschaftsentwürfen der Gesellschaft Jesu – vom großen John Calvin mit der Bezeichnung "Die Jesuiten" bedacht – direkt oder indirekt gelitten haben. Damit erstreckt sich die Widmung auf die gesamte Weltbevölkerung und speziell auf die keltisch-angelsächsische, die protestantische und die baptistische Ausrichtung des calvinistischen Glaubens. Denn es waren die Calvinisten, die den Verschwörungen des Jesuitenordens – diesem auch als "Die Firma" bekannten militärischen Arm des Papstes – erfolgreich Widerstand leisteten und religiöser sowie politischer Freiheit zum Durchbruch verhalfen. Weil diese Männer außer "dem Schwert des Geistes" – das Wort Gottes – auch "das Schwert zur angemessenen Verteidigung" – die Waffe – zu führen wussten. Und es waren diese Baptisten-Calvinisten, die mit dem 1. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten das Recht auf "das Schwert des Geistes" und mit dem 2. Zusatzartikel das Recht, "das Schwert zur angemessenen Verteidigung" in Anspruch zu nehmen, für das amerikanische Volk sicherstellten. Mögen wir niemals ihren festen Glauben, ihre Ehrlichkeit und ihren Mut vergessen. Diese Widmung schließt auch den römisch-katholischen Papst Clemens XIV., die römisch-katholischen Monarchen und die römisch-katholischen Völker Europas ein, die im 18. und 19. Jh. den Mut besaßen, den Jesuitenorden zu verbieten und aus ihren Ländern zu verbannen.

Des weiteren widmet der Autor als ein weißer, amerikanischer, freier Mann sowie dispensationalistischer, Fünfte-Monarchie-, Sieben-Tage-Baptist-Calvinist die folgenden Seiten den vier bedeutendsten einstig römisch-katholisch gewesenen Priestern, denen es je vergönnt war auf Gottes Erde zu wandeln.

1. Der erste ist Charles Chiniquy, ein Franko-Kanadier und "der Martin Luther von Amerika", der, obwohl er sich nach seiner Bekehrung zu Christus hinters Licht führen ließ und einer Freimaurerloge beitrat (in dem Glauben, der Freimaurer-Verbund Satans wäre der Feind von Satans Jesuitenorden), in den 1880er Jahren mutig die Jesuiten als die Mörder von Präsident Lincoln entlarvte. Er warnte auch davor, dass, falls sie keiner daran hindert, die Jesuiten dieses Land beherrschen würden, vom Weißen Haus (Bill Clinton/George W. Bush) bis hin zu jeder Gouverneursvilla in den Staaten – wie sie es bis heute tun (Tom Ridge aus Pennsylvania ist inzwischen der Gestapo-Chef des Ordens für das Heimatschutzministerium einschließlich FEMA).

2. Der zweite ist Jeremiah J. Crowley, ein Ire, der in der Wendezeit zum 20. Jh. vor dem Jesuiten-Komplott zur Zerstörung des Bollwerks der Freiheiten, für die Amerika bekannt ist – das öffentliche Schulsystem – gewarnt hat, ihr Bestreben, "Amerika vorherrschend katholisch zu machen," weiter vorantreibend. In seinem Buch "Der Papst – Oberhaupt der weißen Sklavenhalter, Hohepriester der Intrige" warnte Crowley außerdem vor der Macht der Jesuiten in Washington, DC und ihrem Plan, die politische und militärische Stärke Amerikas für die Wiederherstellung der weltlichen Macht des Papsttums in Rom und der Ausdehnung seines Einflusses auf die ganze Welt auszunutzen. Dies wurde während des Zweiten Dreißigjährigen Krieges (1. und 2. Weltkrieg 1914-1945) vollendet, und die öffentlichen Schulen wurden durch Entscheidungen des Obersten Gerichtshofs zerstört, die von einem vorsitzenden Richter, der ein Erzverschwörer bei der Kennedy-Ermordung war, Earl Warren, durchgereicht worden sind.

3. Der dritte ist Emmett McLoughlin, ein anderer Ire, der die römische Hierarchie für ihre exzessiven Verbrechen unter römisch-katholischen Völkern, für das Verbot, in staatlichen Schulen über die Inquisition zu unterrichten und für die Ausführung der Ermordung Abraham Lincolns öffentlich verantwortlich machte.

4. Der vierte ist Alberto Rivera, ein Ex-Jesuit und Spanier, der den Orden nach 27 Jahren verließ und – wenngleich er fragwürdiger finanzieller Praktiken bezichtigt wurde – die Jesuiten als Meuchelmörder von Präsident Kennedy entlarvte und 1982 vor der Absicht Roms warnte, Amerika in ein Vertragswerk, das sogenannte Konkordat, mit "dem souveränen Staat Vatikanstadt" einzubinden. (Hitlerdeutschland, das Italien Mussolinis, Spanien unter Franco – alle hatten Konkordate mit dem Papst, während jene faschistischen Diktatoren antiprotestantisch, antisemitisch und promuslimisch waren!) Die Idee, dass ein protestantisches Amerika ein Konkordat mit Rom eingeht und demzufolge auch antijüdisch und promuslimisch wird, was uns noch mehr zu Sklaven des päpstlichen Cäsars machen würde, wäre juristisch gar nicht möglich, wenn nicht Präsident Ronald Reagan, Amerikas bedeutsamster freimaurerischer Verräter und "konservative" Schachfigur des New Yorker Erzbischofs Kardinal John O'Connor, den souveränen Staat Vatikanstadt 1984 – 50 Jahre nachdem Großbritannien 1934 dasselbe tat – formell als eine unabhängige Nation anerkannt hätte. Auf geht's, George Orwell!

September 13, 2009

My father passed away yesterday

My father passed away yesterday. He was 85. He was a World-War II veteran, and he was a tailgunner in a B-17. He was a police officer who was a hard carrier and brick layerer before he became a police officer for Richmond, CA. He ultimately became the chief of police there. I was his oldest son, so I had to hold the line, to say the least. And the good things that he taught me was respect for other people, and he was the one that would not allow me to say the word "nigger" in the house. He taught me respect for all races. Of course, Richmond at that time was about 80% black, so he had a very difficult job, and he did a good job at it. He was known for his upstanding qualities. And he retired there, and he went on to be the head of security at Delta College in California, and to do further jobs when he finally retired with two retirements, and he finally passed away in Oregon. Yesterday.

So, he inculcated me with some very good principles, and he was very manly in his demeanour. And I can say that I always honored him, I was never disrespectful to him. I was afraid of him to do evil. I knew that I would get a beating if I would disrespectful to my mother, or if I would disrespectful to the neighborhood adults. I never called an adult by their first name, ever – that was a ripping. We never reached for anything at the table – that was a ripping. Never ever to use profanity in the presents of a lady – that was a ripping. He taught me many good thing for which I'm thankful, but here are a couple of negative things. He never tutored me into manhood. And this is why I say that the majority of us white men – because this broadcast is for white men, those of us that are victimised and beaten down for the last 50 or 60 years in this country by the government, using a host of different agencies and peoples – that we white men of the baby-boom era, we were not mannered by our fathers!

I was never taught what to look for in a wife. 'Just go out and find someone, and whoever it is I will accept her,' you know, that kind of nonsense. So he never taught what to look for in a woman! He never taught me about how government functions. He never taught me about these secret societies that run everything when he knew for well that they do. He never taught his sons how to survive in a man's world, and he always had a supremist attitude over his sons. His sons could never be as great as he was because, you see, he was a World War II hero. He had 50 missions over Germany, and his sons could never measure up to that. He viewed himself as someone who saved the world from Hitler which makes the WW II generation the Greatest Generation, in the words of Tom Brokaw. And my concept of the WW II generation: it was one of the greatest failures that ever existed, because it did exactly what the government told it to do and never ask one question, be it in government, be it in academia, be it in medicin, be it in law. They just went along with the whole program: get your children vaccinated ... step right up here!

And so, dad was not a discerner of what was going on in the culture and he did not prepare his sons for that, and so, I alone with my two brothers had pay a high price for having to learn the lesson of life on our own. And so, I want to encourage you, white men, with your sons, that you sit down with them and you teach them everything you know about a topic that you want to teach them. And the other thing that we white men must do is: we must sit down with our sons and admit our mistakes – where we went wrong, how we failed, the traps that we fell into ... 'so that you my son do not fall into them.' [...] Once our sons begin to understand that, they will have a greater love for us and a greater respect for us. Because they will say, 'dad was honest with us in his failures and his successes.' So, that is a note that I can impart you, white men. I would like to leave that with you, that you would meditate on it and think about it and begin to implement that in your lifes.

Mein Vater starb gestern. Er war 85. Er war ein Kriegsveteran und Heckschütze in einem B17-Bomber. Er war Lastenträger und Maurer, bevor er in Richmond Polizist wurde und letzten Endes dort zum Polizeichef aufstieg. Ich war sein ältester Sohn, demnach sollte zumindest ich sozusagen die Stellung halten. Zu den guten Sachen, die er mir beibrachte, gehörte, anderen gegenüber Respekt zu zeigen – er hätte mir nie erlaubt, zuhause das Wort "Nigger" zu benutzen. Er lehrte mich Achtung vor allen Rassen. Sicher, der schwarze Bevölkerungsanteil in Richmond lag damals bei etwa 80%, also war seine Aufgabe eine sehr schwierige, doch er leistete gute Arbeit dabei. Er war bekannt für seine anständigen Eigenschaften. Er ging dort in den Ruhestand, war danach Sicherheitschef im Delta College und nahm weitere Stellenangebote an, bis er schließlich mit zwei Pensionen in Rente ging und gestern dann in Oregon gestorben ist.

Er schärfte mir also einige sehr gute Prinzipien ein, und er war sehr männlich in seinem Auftreten. Ich kann von mir sagen ihn immer geehrt zu haben. Ich war niemals unhöflich zu ihm. Ich hatte Angst vor ihm etwas schlimmes zu tun. Ich wusste, dass es Prügel setzte, sobald ich mich respektlos meiner Mutter oder den Erwachsenen in der Nachbarschaft gegenüber verhalten würde. Ich sprach Erwachsene niemals mit ihrem Vornamen an, auf keinen Fall – das wäre ein Affront. Wir griffen niemals nach etwas auf dem Esstisch – das wäre ein Affront. Nie im Leben sich in Gegenwart einer Dame gehen lassen – das wäre ein Affront. Er lehrte mich viele gute Dinge, für die ich dankbar bin, doch hier sind ein paar negative. Er sprach nie darüber was es heißt ein Mann zu sein. Und das ist der Grund, weshalb ich behaupte, dass die Mehrheit von uns weißen Männern – denn dieser Broadcast ist für weiße Männer gedacht, für die unter uns die in den letzten 50-60 Jahren in diesem Land von der Regierung mittels verschiedener Agenturen und Leute schikaniert und niedergeknüppelt wurden – dass wir weiße Männer der Baby-Boom-Jahre nicht von unseren Vätern erzogen worden sind!

Mit mir hat nie jemand darüber gesprochen, wonach ich bei einer Ehefrau suchen sollte. 'Zieh einfach los und finde jemanden, und egal wer es ist, ich werde sie akzeptieren' – diese Art Schwachsinn. Er erklärte mir nie, wonach ich bei einer Frau suchen sollte! Er unterrichtete mich niemals darüber, wie unsere Regierung funktioniert. Er erzählte mir niemals etwas von diesen Geheimgesellschaften, die alles kontrollieren, obwohl er genau wusste, dass sie es tun. Er brachte seinen Söhnen niemals bei, wie man in einer Männerwelt klar kommt, und er besaß immer diese Grundhaltung der Überlegenheit über seine Söhne. Seine Söhne könnten niemals an sein Großartigkeit heranreichen, denn er war ein Kriegsheld. Er flog 50 Einsätze über Deutschland, und seine Söhne könnten sich niemals damit messen. Er sah sich selbst als jemand, der die Welt vor Hitler rettete, was die Weltkriegsgeneration Tom Brokaw zufolge zur "Größten Generation" machte. Mein Begriff von der Weltkriegsgeneration dagegen: sie war eine der größten Fehlschläge, die es jemals gab, weil sie genau das befolgte, was die Regierung ihnen befahl und niemals auch nur eine Frage stellte, sei es in Regierungsangelegenheiten, sei es im akademischen Milieu, sei es in gesundheitlicher Hinsicht, sei es in der Rechtssprechung. Sie befolgten einfach das ganze Programm: eure Kinder impfen lassen ... tretet vor!

Vater war keiner von denen, die Unterschiede wahrnehmen konnten bei dem, was kulturell gerade vor sich ging, und er bereitete seine Söhne nicht darauf vor. So blieb mir und meinen beiden Brüdern nichts anderes übrig als auf eigene Faust und zu einem hohen Preis herauszufinden, was das Leben lehrt. Deshalb möchte ich euch mit euren Söhnen ermutigen, weiße Männer, dass ihr euch mit ihnen hinsetzt und sie vollständig zu jedem Thema unterrichtet, das ihr ihnen beibringen wollt. Und die andere Sache, die wir weiße Männer tun müssen, ist: wir müssen unseren Söhnen gegenüber unsere Fehler zugeben – wo wir falsch lagen, wie wir versagt haben, die Fallen, in die wir getreten sind ... 'damit du, mein Sohn, nicht hineintrittst.' [...] Wenn unsere Söhne beginnen das zu verstehen, werden sie eine größere Liebe und eine größere Hochachtung für uns empfinden. Denn sie werden sich sagen, 'Vater war ehrlich mit uns über seine Fehler wie über seine Erfolge.' Das ist der Gedanke, den ich euch vermitteln will, weiße Männer. Das würde ich euch gern mitgeben, damit ihr darüber nachdenkt und euch überlegt, es in euer Leben mit einzubinden. 


@ 8 min – Jon Byk) One of the things that really breaks my heart is the pedophilia that is going on in our society today and that is being propagated by the Jesuits because – as you know, and I've heard that you mentioned it before – homosexuality is a standard of their military order. And there is a reason for that, Eric, you know, in history: if we go all the way back to Greek times, that the Greeks espoused homosexuality in their military ranks. And I think, you've mentioned this before (maybe it was in one of your broadcasts) that the reason they espoused homosexuality in their ranks is because it creates loyalty and a bond between themselves. And they will not be able to spill their secrets when they spend time in bed with a woman. Have you talked about that, or was that somebody else?

Eric) I mentioned that in passing but I haven't gone into it in detail. If you wish to do that we can because, you see, the Jesuits and the entire Vatican hierarchy, their whole purpose of not having wifes is no. 1 to create that perverted satanic bond between men, to create the blackmail that is necessary so that they will never talk, and the third is commercial. They don't want to spend money to support a wife! Because once they have to do that, they have to double their costs in taking care of their priests that had to take care of a wife, and after that's gonna come family and then all the other things are gonna happen. And then the priest will begin to have an allegiance to the nation, because to preserve your family, you have to preserve your nation, and then they can't create their world government. So, sodomy is a very key ingredient in setting up the pope's world government with no nations anymore essentially, and all worshipping him in Jerusalem.

@ 12 min – JB) What really bothers me, Eric, is – I've talked to several Catholics online and you know, how can anybody ... this is one of the reasons that eventually drew me out of the Catholic Church besides the grace of god – is how can anybody in the right, conscious, moral mind sit in an institution week after week (if you're a good Catholic), and put money in their coffers and know that that money is going directly or indirectly to support the cover-ups of these criminals? To pay for law suits, to settle out of case, how can anybody, that has any type of moral consciousness, do that? I mean, it's just beyond me. And most Catholics will not answer that directly.

EP) Well, allow me to try to answer that, brother. I think, the key ingredient to this is fear. Because the catholic people, ever since they were children, had been inculcated with this fear of the priests: that they have to do exactly what they're told, and if they don't do what they're told they're gonna go to hell. And so they have this fear put upon them which is the motif for not exposing it, or for not leaving it, leaving the instituion, and it's a fear that's been put upon them since childhood. And you know as a psychologist, that "as the twig was bent, so grows the tree." When you're bent a certain way as a young boy and, when you become an adult, realise, it is not right, it's very difficult "to get restraighten an arrow", for lack of a better term, and so I tend to think that that's the reason. Many catholic people are just holding out to think, 'there's got to be some decent priest, there are some that are really good men, there has to be a pope that's okay.' So they're gonna endure the wickedness of the institution in hopes for a better day. And this argument cannot hold water once you examen the canon law. If you examen the canon law, you see how wicked the doctrines are and therefore, no matter how good a few priests might be, you have to reject the institution because of what it stands for.

JB) Etwas, das mir wirklich das Herz bricht, ist die Pädophilie, die heute in unserer Gesellschaft umgeht, die von den Jesuiten verbreitet wird, weil – wie du weißt, und ich hörte, du hattest es bereits erwähnt – Homosexualität ist Standard in ihrem Militärorden. Und dafür gibt es einen geschichtliche Ursache, Eric: wenn wir zurückgehen in der Zeit bis zu den alten Griechen, stellen wir fest, diese förderten Homosexualität in ihrem Militär. Und ich denke, du hattest es bereits erwähnt (vielleicht war es in einer deiner Sendungen), dass sich die Befürwortung schwuler Offiziersliebschaften daraus ergab, weil auf diese Weise Loyalität erzeugt und ein fester Bund zwischen ihnen geschaffen wurde. Und sie gerieten nicht in Versuchung, ihre Geheimnisse in intimer Atmosphäre bei einer Frau auszuplaudern. Hattest du darüber gesprochen, oder was das ein anderer?

EP) Ich erwähnte es beiläufig ohne ins Detail zu gehen. Wenn du das willst, kein Problem, die Jesuiten und die gesamte Befehlsstruktur des Vatikans, der ganze Zweck keine Ehefrauen zu haben, ist erstens, diese abartige satanische Bindung zwischen Männern herzustellen, zweitens sie erpressbar zu machen, sodass sie niemals etwas sagen und drittens ein geschäftlicher. Sie wollen kein Geld für Frauen ausgeben! Denn wenn sie erst einmal damit anfingen, würden sich die Kosten für ihre Priester verdoppeln, die dann eine Frau zu versorgen hätten, und danach käme natürlich Familie und all die anderen Sachen. Und irgendwann wird sich bei dem Priester schließlich ein Zugehörigkeitsgefühl zu seiner Nation einstellen, weil er seine Familie nur schützen kann, wenn er sein Volk vor Unheil bewahrt, und das würde das Ende für ihre geplante Weltregierung bedeuten. Unzucht ist zwangsläufig ein Hauptbestandteil bei dem Unternehmen, die Nationen in einer Weltregierung unter dem Papst aufgehen zu lassen, der dann in Jerusalem von allen angebetet wird.

JB) Was mich wirklich nervt, Eric, ist – ich habe mich online mit einigen Katholiken unterhalten, wie kann jemand ... das ist einer der Gründe, die mich schließlich von der katholischen Kirche erlöst haben, neben der Gnade Gottes – wie kann jemand mit moralischen Ansprüchen und klarem Verstand im vollen Bewusstsein Woche für Woche (wenn du ein guter Katholik bist), in einer Institution sitzen und Geld in ihre Kassen stecken und wissen, dass dieses Geld direkt oder indirekt zur Vertuschung von Verbrechen dieser Kriminellen beiträgt? Gerichtsverfahren bezahlt wie auch außergerichtliche Einigungen, wie kann jemand, der über irgendeine Art moralischer Gesinnung verfügt, so etwas tun? Ich meine, ich begreif's einfach nicht. Und die meisten Katholiken wollen garnicht darauf eingehen.

EP) Lass mich versuchen das zu beantworten, Bruder. Ich denke, die Hauptursache hierfür ist Angst. Katholischen Gläubigen wurde diese Angst vor den Priestern schon als sie Kinder waren eingebläut: dass sie genau das zu machen haben, was ihnen gesagt wird, und falls sie das nicht tun, landen sie in der Hölle. Sie haben ihnen diese Angst eingeimpft, die das Motiv für ihr Schweigen und für ihr Stillhalten bildet, deshalb bleiben sie. Es ist eine Angst, die ihnen bereits als Kind aufgebürdet wurde, und du weißt als Psychologe, dass "der Baum wächst, wie der Zweig gebogen wurde." Wenn du als kleiner Junge in gewisser Weise verbogen wurdest und als Erwachsener dann erkennst, hier stimmt etwas nicht, ist es sehr schwierig, "einen Pfeil wieder hinzubiegen," mangels eines besseren Ausdrucks, deshalb halte ich das für den Grund. Viele Katholiken harren bloß aus und denken, 'es muss doch auch anständige Priester geben, da gibt es sicher einige, die wirklich gute Menschen sind, der Papst kann doch nicht gemein sein.' Und so lassen sie die Verruchtheit der Kirche über sich ergehen, in der Hoffnung auf bessere Tage. Doch dieses Argument verliert sein Gewicht in dem Augenblick, wo du kanonisches Recht unter die Lupe nimmst. Wenn du Kirchenrecht studierst, verstehst du wie niederträchtig die Lehrmeinungen sind. Daher spielt es keine Rolle, wie gut manche Priester sein mögen, du bist gezwungen diese Institution abzulehnen aufgrund dessen wofür sie steht.