December 1, 2009

Wisdom is a person, purity preceds blessing

05/13'08, @5min, EJP) These are the words of the great King Salomon. Probably the greatest earthly king who has ever lived. Had more wealth, political power, personal wisdom than any kings we know of today. His storehouses of gold () our wildest dreams. He had 603 () and six tons of gold in one shot. He built this great temple, the first Hebrew temple in Jerusalem adorned with gold in-between the bricks and gold throughout the inside. It was a masterpiece of workmanship. So then, when Babylon came in and took it, and destroyed it, and melted all the gold, and took it all the way to Babylon, it was some treasure house that Nebuchadnezzar got. Well, the reason for Salomon's prosperity was because of his wisdom. And the reason he had his wisdom was because of his prayer to "The Lord". Now, what did he seek "The Lord" about? He didn't ask "The Lord" for wisdom, he didn't ask "The Lord" for riches, he didn't ask "The Lord" for fame. He ask "The Lord" for one thing, and that was an understanding heart. An understanding heart. And because he only asked for that, "The Lord" gave him everything else. () what we need today. We need an understanding heart about all matters, and we can have an understanding heart about all matters, if we continue to keep captivated through "The Word of God" – it is just that simple. He will give us an understanding on all topics, if we first seek his faith. And we will not be deceived with the lies of the Jesuits and the Vatican in control of our press and academia, if we keep our eyes on "The Word of God". So that's what "The Devil" wants you to do. He wants you to set aside "The Bible": 'oh, that's an irrelevant book, it can't be trusted, it's not trustworthy, oh, the Vatican corrupted it.' () lie after lie after lie to get you to believe that you have no final authority for a guideline in this world of 2008.
If you remember "The Devil" never tempted Christ with "The Word of God" first. He said, if you would be "The Christ", turn theses stones into bread, man, because it's written! So turn these stones into bread if you're "The Christ"! He tries to get him to depart from his submission to "The Tanakh". And what does "The Lord" do? He merely comes back: "It is written. Man should not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" (Luke 4:4). How can we live by every word that preceded out of the mouth of God, if God didn't preserve him?

I can remember in Bibel college, I had a great teacher, he handed us that damnable Bruce Metzger's third edition of this critical text and I saw all this "Critical Apparatus" and I said, Dr. Turner, I said, what is this down here? Well, he said, that's the critical apparatus, this is some alternative readings. I said, what do you mean "alternative readings"? Oh, he said, that's where there are maybe some differences in manuscripts and we put different manuscript evidence in there – we have, you know about 97% of "The Bible". I was literally flabbergasted. I thought to myself, if we don't have what God inspired, if he did not preserve what he gave, then I'm wasting my time here. [...] 'I had a beautiful show bike' "puffed up in my vain and fleshly mind" (Colossians 2:18)! And after God saved me, and he got me off that contraption and had me sell it, and after I got out of the Air Force to go to Bible college, I'm having this Greek teacher stand before me and tell me, I don't have any final authority? [...] And if there is any problem with any particular words we [...] clarify it, not correct it, but clarify it, as we delve into the underlying Masoretic Hebrew Text of the Old Testament and the underlying Greek Textus Receptus Byzantine Text of the New Testament. [...] And when that "Bible" impacted a community, when it impacted a nation, it changed! Do you realize that syphilis was everywhere throughout Europe during the Dark Ages? There was fornication everywhere among us wicked white people, and the priests were the biggest fornicators of them all. But when "The Word of God" hit Germany, and those Germans were getting saved, and they were knowing Christ in a personal way, and they had received [...] gave them the power to become "The Sons of God", when those German Saxons begot saved, things started changing. And Germany started to prosper, and it started to become a morale nation and ultimately had many many many political liberties and it became the seat of invention in Europe.

@14min) Some of our pagan white children just might one night read "The Bible"! But we can't have that, they have to be all pierced, and tattooed, and running around naked, and using the word "MF", and acting like savages, we can't have any white high culture anymore. So therefore we must take "The Bible" from these white people and with that they can never know their history as white Protestants and white Baptists. Why do you think the Christian school movement is going great gain busters here, primarily among white people? Because these whites, these Baptists and these Protestants, you white men have had enough of this Paganization of this wicked and sinful public school system that many of us were victims of. Including myself!
Verse seven: "To fear The Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction/discipline."
I think of myself when I read this verse years ago. I remember there was a pretty little Italian girl that used to sit in front of me in one of my classes and I liked her. And her name is Debby. And I remember Mr. Pranter in our anthropology class, that gawky little man said: 'Well, how many of you believe in Adam and Eve?' And Debby raised her hand and, I think, one other girl. You see, because there can't be any men that believe in Adam and Eve, right? Because men would be sissies if they believed in Adam and Eve. And they would be stupid! So I'm sitting in back of Debby and I had known her for years. And a couple of guys laughed at her and she said, she believed that in Adam and Eve – she was a Catholic girl. Most of the people I went to school were Catholic. Portuguese, and Italian, and Irish. And I said, what are you laughing at? And they said, hey Phelps, you don't believe it either. I said, I don't believe her but I don't laugh at her. And then Pranter said: 'Well, how many of you believe in evolution?' And most of the class raised their hands, including me. But you know what? I would never laugh at Debby because that was her right to believe that.
Today, if you believe in Adam and Eve in the public school, they all laugh at you to score: 'Why you got to be some stupid idiot?!' Because, you see, they have no fear of god. They don't believe they're gonna be judged some day. They believe that when they die, they are as dead as a dog. Just like my father said to me one time: 'Eric, when you are dead, you're as dead as a dog.' I said, oh really, do you know that for sure, dad?

Now, there will be a judgement some day, and it will either be at the "Bema Seat of Christ" for those of us in Christ or it will be Grammy night, where he will be handing out the awards for those who walked in the spirit of God or led by the spirit of God every now and then – hopefully I might have something there. Or it will be "The Great White Throne" judgement, where as a lost, unsaved man, being part of the dead, it will nearly be an inquest. And your works will be read off to you, every thing you ever did in your entire life. It's not a matter if you're guilty or innocent, you are guilty, guilty, guilty. And you're standing there before "The Lord Jesus Christ" and he sits on "The Great White Throne" and he's naming off all your deeds that you ever did, all the sins that you ever committed. And then, when he's finished, there will not be a word out of you except bowing the knee to confessing Jesus as Lord. And then he will say: 'Depart from me, you walk in equity, I never knew you in the everlasting fire, prepared for "The Devil and His Angels".' Yes, there is "An Everlasting Hell" according to "The Bible" and it's not a hell that Romanism preaches as a means for the priest to control you. This is a hell that we want to definitely miss out on. We don't want any part of it! Because it's forever and ever according to the book of the revelation. They are tormented forever and ever! It's a horrible, terrible scene, when all the dead are resurrected at the second resurrection. Heaven and earth flees away, they are in outer space, there is no place for them to go! It's a tragedy! It's terrifying! And then the Lord calls every name ...
Teddy Kennedy, step forward! (), you murdered that girl and you covered it up. Arlen Specter, step forward! You covered up the Kennedy Assassination. George J. Tenet, step forward! You covered up "9/11" when you brought it to pass. Edward Cardinal Egan, step forward! You caused "9/11". Pope John Paul II, Karol, step forward! You claimed to be me. You claimed to be the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords". You claimed to be the priest after the order of () of only I claimed that title.
I tell you, "The Great White Throne of Jugdement" is gonna be terrifying. And those of us who know "The Lord" will be on the other side with "The Lord", on his side, as he's doing this tremendous judging work that has to be done, because every man created in the image of God is entitled to an individual judgement by "The Lord Jesus Christ" himself! [...] And for those of us who know him he can appear at any moment – that's right, that's our bless and hope, that the glorious is appearing and of our great god and savior, "The Lord Jesus Christ". My hope is not the second coming, that's in stone! My hope is not that I'm gonna go to heaven when I die, that's set in stone! My bless and hope is maybe the Lord might come today. So maybe we were doing righteousness, that when he appears we may not be ashamed of this coming. That hope purifies us, causes us to more sanctification and personal holiness that we should live to maintain, and protect, and grow in. Rather to fear "The Lord" is the beginning of knowledge.